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Linking to Library Resources

This guide explains how to get permanent URLs to library resources that can be shared via Canvas, email, or other systems.

Finding Permanent URLs in Kanopy

1) To find permanent URLs in the Kanopy database of streaming videos, first look up the title of the film you wish to link in Kanopy.

A screenshot of the record for the film "Seven Samurai" in Kanopy.


2) Click the Share button under the title and provider information for the video, and copy the Share link to use in Canvas or wherever you need to share it. You can also use the Embed code to embed the video within your learning system, though it may depend on whether that system allows iframes.

A screenshot of the Share link feature for the film "Seven Samurai" in Kanopy.


NOTE: Off-campus users using this link will need to click the orange "Watch Now" button under the video, then the orange "Log In to Chapman" button on the next page. They will then be taken to the normal authentication page where they can enter their Chapman username and password, and will then be able to watch the video.

The orange "Watch Now" button on a Kanopy record.