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Linking to Library Resources

This guide explains how to get permanent URLs to library resources that can be shared via Canvas, email, or other systems.

Finding Permanent URLs in EBSCO databases

EBSCO provides a number of library databases and electronic resources, including our Start Your Search platform and this list of over 60 databases in the Database A-Z list. However, many of these databases have similar interfaces, and the instructions below will help you link to individual articles, ebooks, videos, or other resources found therein.


1) Look up the item you want to share. The example below is from a simple search on "Disney films" in Start Your Search. Here is how the record for the article appears in the search results:

Search results for "Disney films" in Start Your Search


2) Click the three dots to the right of the title, then "Share":

"Share" option in the dropdown menu


3) Click "Create link" near the bottom of the box that pops up, and it will generate a link to this record that you can copy and paste:

"Create link" in the record


1) Look up the item you want to share. The example below is from a simple search on "Disney films" in Academic Search Premier. Here is how the record for the article appears in the search results:

Search results for "Disney films" in Discover


2) Click the title in the search results to be taken to the full record:

The full record for an example article in Discover.


3) To share this article, don't copy and paste the URL in your browser bar, which will not work for other users. Instead, go to the Tools sidebar on the right, and click the option for Permalink near the bottom:

The "Tools" sidebar in EBSCO databases like Discover.


4) The permalink will display above the title in the full record, and can be copied and pasted and shared:

The permalink for an article in an EBSCO database displays above the title in the full record.