If a PDF is available in Mendeley, you have two options to read a paper in Mendeley:
Option 1: Double-click on the reference title in your library which will open the attached PDF in Mendeley's document reader.
Option 2: Click the green checkmark icon for the reference under the File column next to the reference.
Option 3: After clicking on the reference title, click in the information pop-up screen.
You can read, search, highlight, and make comments on PDFs in Mendeley's PDF Reader.
Key features in Mendeley's PDF reader:
For more notetaking options, click the icon on the top right. A pop-up panel will appear with citation details.
Click on 'Annotations' to add general notes about this specific PDF document. You can also view all comments in a list format.
'Notebook' is a separate note page where you can collect highlights and notes from multiple PDFs, allowing you to organize thoughts across different articles. Notebook pages aren't tied to a specific reference and allow you to add highlights from many PDFs to a single page.