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Citation Management Tools

This guide will help you learn how to use Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley, three citation management tools that can help you keep your sources organized and generate citations.

About This Guide

Welcome to your one-stop guide for EndNote Desktop. This guide is intended to connect Chapman University students, faculty, and staff with a variety of resources useful for importing and exporting references to the EndNote reference management tool. The tabs on the left side of the screen can help you locate the specific resources necessary for your reference management needs:

Installing EndNote
A site license is provided by the IS&T for Chapman University's faculty, students, and staff.

Using EndNote
An introduction to EndNote and some of the many features that can help with your research.

Organizing your references
The Organizing your references feature puts you in control of your references by allowing you to place them in groups for easy access and retrieval.

Importing/Exporting references with EndNote Desktop
The Importing/Exporting references tab provides step-by-step instructions for importing references from selected databases.

Cite While You Write
Cite While You Write (CWYW) is a feature of EndNote that allows you to access EndNote from within Microsoft Word, allowing you to manage and insert your reference citations during the writing process.

Creating a reference list with EndNote
The Creating a reference list with EndNote tab walks you through the steps needed to create and save a reference list.

EndNote Desktop or EndNote Online: A comparison
The Comparison tab compares the features of EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online.

Help with EndNote
The Help tab provides a link to EndNote's training materials.