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Free Open Access Publishing Opportunities for Chapman Authors

Information on agreements that allow Chapman University authors to publish open access for free in selected journals.

Read-and-publish deal with Wiley

Chapman University, as a member of the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), is part of a read-and-publish pilot agreement with Wiley for January 2024-December 2026. This agreement allows Chapman-affiliated authors to publish their articles Open Access in many Wiley journals at no cost to themselves, or at a discount if they have grant funding to cover the costs of Open Access Publication.

In other terms, this agreement covers the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Chapman authors whose research articles are accepted for publication in applicable Wiley journals if they do not have grant funding to cover such charges, and provides an APC discount to authors who do have grant funding to cover APCs.

Please read on for information to determine if your research publication is eligible and to learn how to take advantage of this opportunity.

Is my research eligible?

To be eligible, articles must:

  • Be an Original Research or Review article. (Article Type definitions)
  • Be accepted for publication in one of Wiley's 1,300+ hybrid journals or 300+ Gold OA journals. (List of eligible titles)
  • Have a corresponding author affiliated with Chapman University (i.e. researcher, professor, adjunct faculty member, lecturer, graduate or undergraduate student).


Changes in 2024

For 2024-2026, we are participating in a new three-year agreement alongside the University of California system with Wiley. These are the major changes:

  • There is no longer a cap on the number of OA articles that can be published under this agreement.
  • Grant-funded corresponding authors will be asked to pay a discounted APC ($1000 off) if they are able.
  • Hindawi journals are no longer included until they can be integrated into Wiley's main publishing system.
  • There is a new workflow for authors, detailed below.

How to publish Open Access under this agreement

How will corresponding authors from Chapman University learn that they’re eligible to publish open access at no charge to them?
There are many ways that authors may learn of their eligibility.   

  • By indicating their institutional affiliation as part of the article submission process (the system includes multiple checkpoints to encourage authors to match their institution to a standardized list).   
  • By using an email address associated with their institution’s organizational domain.   
  • By checking to see that their institution is listed on Wiley’s Institutional Eligibility Page.


Which open access options are available?

Typically, authors may choose among three common Creative Commons licenses: CC-BY, CC-BY-NC and CC-BY-NC-ND. Please see Wiley's Open Access Article Licensing page for more detail.


How do authors take advantage of this opportunity?

The steps for taking advantage of the Wiley read-and-publish deal will depend on whether you are publishing in a fully open access journal or a hybrid journal (i.e. one that publishes a mix of toll-access/subscription and open access articles) and whether you have grant funding to cover an APC. The below resources detail the author's process depending on which option they take.

Please note:

  • Authors submitting to a fully OA (gold) journal should select the payment option that says “The Corresponding Author’s institution/funder has an agreement with Wiley” and follow the link in the instructions during the article submission process.
  • Authors submitting to a hybrid journal will select the option to publish OA and go through the relevant workflow upon article acceptance.
  • You may be asked for an "institution code" at some points of the process. The correct code for SCELC/Chapman is "SSAP".


SCELC, the California Digital Library, and Wiley will be meeting throughout 2024 to continue to refine and streamline this process.