Chapman University, as a member of the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), is part of a read-and-publish agreement with Springer for 2023-2024. This agreement allows Chapman-affiliated authors to publish their articles Open Access in many Springer journals at no cost to themselves.
In other terms, this agreement covers the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Chapman authors whose research articles are accepted for publication in applicable hybrid Springer, Palgrave, society-owned "Academic Journals on", and Adis journals during the agreement. It does not include Nature-branded or Scientific American content or the 279 fully open access journals published by Springer.
Please read on for information to determine if your research publication is eligible and to learn how to take advantage of this opportunity.
To be eligible, articles must:
This agreement will provide free open access publication for up to 550 articles in 2023 across participating SCELC institutions (including Chapman University), which is roughly 101% of the average number of qualifying articles that participating institutions’ corresponding authors published in those journals over the past three years. It is possible that we will collectively exceed this cap, but a historical analysis of author OA opt-out rates and other factors makes this unlikely. It is hoped that future agreements will be able to include a higher number of articles and journals.
The process of identifying eligible authors and coordinating open access publication is fairly automated.