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Digital Repositories at Chapman University

Digital Commons and Figshare are open access repositories for sharing and preserving the research outputs of Chapman scholars and researchers.

About Chapman Figshare

Chapman Figshare is a place to make all your research data citable, shareable, and discoverable. Use it to share your supplementary research to make them first class outputs. Share both positive and negative results and get credit for all your research.

Some of the features of Chapman Figshare include.

  • Your research is assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This means you can cite it as a research output alongside your paper or as a freestanding piece of data.
  • Chapman Figshare complies with funder mandates around making data openly accessible and storing it in perpetuity.
  • Data that is uploaded to Chapman Figshare is marked for indexing in Google Scholar and Google Dataset Search. This helps improve the exposure of your research.
  • Chapman Figshare tracks usage statistics, including views, downloads, citations, and Altmetrics.

How we help

We review your data’s format, size, subject matter, and suitability for sharing before publication. A data curator will work with you and make suggestions to improve the FAIR-ness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) of your data.

We provide

  • Open access to all of our datasets
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for each data set as well as data set collections
  • Help with data standardization, organization, and documentation
  • Review processes to screen data for sensitive, proprietary, and personally identifiable information
  • Private links for peer review to datasets awaiting publication
  • Referrals to other data repositories if Chapman Figshare is not a good place for your data

Data we accept

We can only accept data under certain conditions:

  • Research data must be associated with Chapman University.
  • Your data must have documentation to help others understand and reuse it. We can help determine what is necessary.
  • Chapman Figshare is not able to support very large datasets or sensitive data. We will work with you to determine a better location if we cannot support your needs.

Creative and scholarly works that are not data sets, such as papers, posters, and artwork, should be submitted to Chapman University Digital Commons. If you aren't sure which repository your work should be submitted to, please contact us at If you are planning to name Chapman Figshare as the repository for your data in grant, please contact us ahead of your grant due date.

Users will also need to abide by Chapman Figshare Terms and Conditions.

Preparing your data to be published

You can save time and facilitate getting your data published by preparing files appropriately before submitting them for review:

All data sets require documentation explaining what the data is, where it came from, and how to use it. This information helps other people use and understand your data. Templates and examples are available on the data documentation subpage.

File formats
Whenever possible you should share data in formats that do not require special software. A list of recommended formats is available for common file types. Do not worry if your file type is not on the list, or if you want to keep the original format, we will review options with you during the curation review.

File organization and file names
The files in your shared data set need to be clearly labeled and organized. For examples and tips on how to format file names see the file name recommendations page.  As folders cannot be uploaded to Chapman Figshare, we recommend using well-structured file names to sort and organize data sets with 10 or fewer files. At this time, data sets with a folder heirarchy will need to be converted into archive files (.zip or .tar) so they can be uploaded to Chapman Figshare. Future updates should allow unzipped nested files to be viewable on the platform.