Finding background information at the beginning of your research is important if you are not an expert in the subject area or not sure from what angle to approach your topic. Background information can provide:
Take the time to learn about your topic before you decide on a research question. It can save you time in the long run.
On the homepage, select "Education" from the Collections list. On the results page, enter "education or pedagogy" in the search box above the Collections list. On the Revise Search page, you can use the "View more" option under Document Type, Publication, or Subjects to refine your search for background information.
On the left side of the homepage, select "Education" from the "Browse by Subject." From the "Education" results page, you can narrow the topic further. Please note: At the results screen on the right, select "Available to me" under the "Availability" area to view full text titles.
Color = Dark Blue dots. Library of Congress Call Numbers = L
Use the catalog search box below to start your search.