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Political Science

Research and Resource guide on the subject of Political Science

Course Guides

POSC 201: Political Research Design 

Finding Articles
  • Top Databases (search simultaneously by selecting "choose database" option)
    • JSTOR
    • ProQuest Political Science Database 
  • Search by entering keywords, or the main subjects of your research topic or question. 
Finding Books
  • Use the catalog (second box on the library homepage) to search for books
    • To find books about a topic: use keyword
    • To find books about a person: start with subject and type in the last name
    • Choose subject from book record to find all books with the same subject for advanced searching 


Sample Search

How has mass media led to a fear of terrorism?

  • Main concepts: mass media, media effects, terrorism, fear
  • Keyword combinations:
    • terrorism AND fear
    • mass media OR media effects
  • Limit results to peer-reviewed journal articles, date range (such as published within the last ten years)
  • Search:
    • Enter your search terms in the search boxes in Discover or JSTOR. 
    • Place any limiters needed. 
    • Select relevant articles based on title and abstract.
    • Look for full text by clicking on 'Access now' link.


Use Start Your Search to search across multiple databases with a single search.

POSC 374: Environmental Politics and Policy

Suggested Databases

Find all of these databases on the Political Science Database List 

  • JSTOR 
    • Includes academic journals and primary sources 
    • Find peer reviewed articles about treaties and environmental issues.
  • PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) Index
    • Includes multiple types of sources such as government documents, articles, research reports, and more. Coverage begins in 1972. Includes information from over 120 countries throughout the world.
    • Look for reports and scholarly journal articles.
  • ProQuest Political Science 
    • Includes journals on political science and international relations, including environmental policy. Types of sources include reports, newspapers, and scholarly journals.
    • Look for news, reports, and scholarly journal articles.
  • CQ Researcher Plus Archive
    • Each issue features a look ahead, a pro-con section that presents opposing viewpoints, a chronology, and annotated bibliographies to point the way to additional research.
    • Look for information about treaties and overviews of countries.

Other Useful Research Tools

  • ECOLEX: The Gateway to Environmental Law 
    • Use this tool to find information on international treaties. Search by legislation and treaties. 
    • See this example for the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
      • Includes an abstract, links to the full text of the treaty and list of participants in the treaty.
  • United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (InforMEA) 
    • Includes full text of treaties, laws and cases, and news. 
    • Browse by environmental topic: biological diversity, chemicals and waste, climate and atmosphere, environmental governance, land and agriculture, and marine and freshwater. 
    • Search by keyword, such as: climate change, hazardous waste, or desertification.
  • World Bank Open Data
    • Choose this database to find information on environmental indicators.
    • After opening the database, choose or search an indicator or country.

POSC 410: Seminar in American Politics

Finding Articles
  • Top Databases (search simultaneously by selecting "choose database" option)
    • CQ Electronic Library 
    • JSTOR
    • ProQuest Political Science Database 
  • Search by entering keywords, or the main subjects of your research topic or question. 
Finding Books
  • Use the catalog (second box on the library homepage) to search for books
    • To find books about a topic: use keyword
    • To find books about a person: start with subject and type in the last name
    • Choose subject from book record to find all books with the same subject for advanced searching 


Sample Search

How has mass media led to a fear of terrorism?

  • Main concepts: mass media, media effects, terrorism, fear
  • Keyword combinations:
    • terrorism AND fear
    • mass media OR media effects
  • Limit results to peer-reviewed journal articles, date range (such as published within the last ten years)
  • Search:
    • Enter your search terms in the search boxes in Discover or JSTOR 
    • Place any limiters needed 
    • Select relevant articles based on title and abstract
    • Look for full text, and if not available, check for full text by clicking the icon: 

Determining Peer Reviewed Journals 
  • Always limit to "peer reviewed journals" in Discover 
  • Cabells Directory of Publishing Opportunities
    • Search the Predatory Reports Directory and the Journalytics Directory to identify possibly predatory journals or to search for journals.

  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory 
    • Search the journal title in the search box
    • The book icon on the results page will indicate if the journal is peer reviewed 


Use Start Your Search to search across multiple databases with a single search.

POSC 410: Seminar in American Politics

Finding Articles
  • Top Databases 
    • Roper Center Archives
    • ProQuest Political Science Database 
    • ProQuest Congressional
    • CQ Researcher Plus Archive
    • Newspaper Source
  • Search by entering keywords, or the main subjects of your research topic or question. 


All of these databases can be found on the Database A-Z List.

Roper Center Archives

  • Includes poll data from U.S. polling firms from 1935 - present.
  • Use this database to find additional poll data on certain topics, including social issues, pop culture, international affairs, and more.

ProQuest Congressional

  • Includes a variety of congressional materials, such as hearings, CRS reports, reports from the House and Senate, full text of bills and laws, and other publications. 1789 - present.
  • Use this database to start your research.

ProQuest Political Science Database

  • Includes over 460 political science journals, and news, reports, and articles.
  • Use this database to find articles and background on policy proposals and political institutions, as well as some news articles.

CQ Researcher Plus Archive

  • Each issue features a look ahead, a pro-con section that presents opposing viewpoints, a chronology, and annotated bibliographies to point the way to additional research.
  • Use this database to find in-depth background information on political topics and see how political institutions developed policy proposals and laws.

Finding News Articles

  • Search Discover (the first search box) on the library homepage. Choose "news" from the source type limiter at the top of the screen.
  • Newspaper Source Database
    • Includes a variety of newspapers, including more than 40 national and international newspapers and 370 regional U.S. newspapers.
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers 
    • Will include additional newspapers and news articles.
  • See all available newspaper databases on the Database A-Z List.