The EBSCO Mobile app allows users to read or listen to EBSCO resources, quickly conduct searches and save articles for later reference, pull up previously saved (or previously viewed) search results, and stay organized with access to saved items across devices.
In addition, the app enables you to download EBSCO e-books and read them within the app without needing Adobe Digital Editions software.
Download the EBSCO mobile app from one of the following sources:
After logging in, use the "Find My Organization" feature to find Chapman University and log in with your Chapman ID and password. If you had already created a MyEBSCO account, you can log in with that as well. You will only need to log in the first time you use the app. If you are on campus wifi, you may be "silently" logged in and provided access, but it is recommended that you log in so the app will remember you later if you use it away from campus.
Get the most out the app with tutorials and guides on EBSCO Connect: