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Health Sciences Study Commons

Introduction to the Health Sciences Study Commons

The Leatherby Libraries directly supports the research and teaching needs of the graduate students and faculty at the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus by providing two library service desks.  

Health Sciences Study Commons

Location: Building 9401, First Floor, Room 150

The Health Sciences Study Commons provides print and electronic collections with an emphasis on health sciences. Library staff are available to assist patrons with reference, research, and library resource support. Collaborative study rooms and individual study spaces are available to facilitate coursework, studying, and research.

Library Services Desk at The Campus Center

Location: The Campus Center, First Floor, Room 134A

The Library Services Desk offers library staff to support research strategies, navigate the library’s online resources, search databases effectively, evaluate the authority and credibility of sources, progress through the stages of the research process, and more.

Members of the Rinker Campus community can access the Health Sciences Study Commons and the Campus Center at Rinker 24 hours a day, each day of the week, with their Chapman IDs.

Library services and staff are available during the following hours:

Health Sciences Study Commons

  • Monday – Friday: 8 am to 8 pm
  • Saturday: 9 am to 2 pm
  • Sunday: 9 am to  7 pm

Library Services Desk at Campus Center

  • Monday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm

Items from the circulating collection may only be checked out during hours when library services are offered and must be returned to the Health Sciences Study Commons.

Health Sciences Study Commons Policies

Animals Policy

  • Only authorized service animals are permitted in the Health Sciences Study Commons.
  • Pets are not allowed in the Health Sciences Study Commons.

Children Policy

  • Parents or adult guardians who bring young children to the Health Sciences Study Commons are responsible for their protection and safety and must never leave children unattended.

Circulation Policy

  • The resources of the Libraries are primarily intended for use by Chapman University students, staff and faculty.
  • The library collection at the Health Sciences Study Commons contains a circulating and non-circulating collection of books.
  • Books that may be checked out can be identified by the "circulating" sticker attached on the spine of the books.
  • Books without a "circulating sticker may not be removed from the Study Commons.
  • Books may be checked out at the Leatherby Libraries or requested through Interlibrary Loan and be held to be picked up at the Study Commons.
  • For more details on the Circulation Policies including loan periods and late fees, please refer to the two handouts below:

Food and Drink Policy

  • Food and beverages are permitted in the Health Sciences Study Commons and in study rooms.
    • Meals or aromatic foods should be eaten in Bldg. 9501
    • Beverages should be in covered, spill-proof containers.
  • Dispose of any trash or spilled food in the trash cans and use available blue recycling bins.
  • Please report spills immediately to Chapman staff so we can ensure that damaged equipment, materials, furniture or carpeting is properly treated and cleaned or repaired

Quiet Area Policy

In order to provide an atmosphere that is welcoming to students, faculty, staff, and other study commons users that is conducive to both collaborative and quiet study, there is a designated quiet study area in the far back room of the Health Science Study Commons near the book collection. This area is designated with signage.

Appropriate behavior is expected in all areas of the Health Sciences Study Commons. This includes quiet conversations, muted or ear-phoned audio players, and quiet group study. 

While in the Quiet Area:

  • Please be considerate of others when using a cell phone throughout the study commons.
  • If you need to have an extended conversation, please go outside of the study commons to do so.
  • Please mute the ring tone, keep conversations short and your voice lowered. Cell phone use is not permitted in the quiet area.
  • It is the right and responsibility of all study commons users to enforce this quiet study policy. If you are uncomfortable doing so, you may report the issue to a library staff member. Library staff will contact Public Safety to escort study commons users out of the study commons when necessary. 

Study Room Policy

  • Reservations will be required for all study rooms between the hours of 7 am – 11 pm. From 11 pm – 7 am, all study rooms will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Those occupying the study room assume full responsibility for the room, its equipment, furniture, and all individuals allowed inside the room.
  • Settings, reprogramming, or removing any software or audio/visual equipment from the room is not allowed.
  • Report any room damage or malfunctioning equipment immediately to Study Commons staff or IS&T.
  • Furniture must not be added to or removed from a room.
  • Sleeping in study rooms is not permitted. 
  • The obstruction of windows or doors is not allowed.
  • Study rooms are not soundproof. Keep noise levels down for your privacy and for those who want quiet study. Please keep study room doors closed when in use.
  • No shoes or feet on the walls. Doing so will damage walls.
  • Whiteboards will be cleaned every Monday. Take a photo to save your work.
  • Please leave study rooms in a clean and orderly condition: clean the whiteboard, do not leave garbage behind and return furniture to its original position.
  • Student belongings must not be left unattended. Any items left unattended will be considered lost and placed in the lost and found.

Visitor Policy

Persons currently affiliated with Chapman University may use the Health Sciences Study Commons.  Visitors, defined as persons not currently affiliated with CU, may use the Health Sciences Study Commons only under certain conditions as defined below:

Chapman University staff reserves the right to request identification from any visitor at any time.  Health Sciences Study Common’s staff reserves the right to exclude visitors who do not follow its policies or who engage in inappropriate behavior.  Failure of a visitor to observe policies of the Health Sciences Study Commons may result in exclusion.  If necessary, Public Safety (campus police) may be called if a visitor refuses to observe Health Sciences Study Common’s policy.

  • Visitors must check in at our Receptionist Management System located at the front counter.
  • Visitors must display their visitor badge and I.D. upon the request of any CU staff member or public safety officer.
  • Visitors may not use the Health Sciences Study Commons to:
    • Study
    • Use computers or photocopiers inside the study commons
    • Occupy a study room
    • Check out or remove library materials from the study commons