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SCI 150 - Evaluating Information

This guide supports a library session in how to evaluate online information sources.

Evaluating Information

Welcome to the Evaluating Information research guide for SCI 150. The purpose of this guide is to help you to develop the skills that you need to assess the credibility, validity, and quality of information resources. We will spend most of today's session looking at a specific set of techniques for evaluating online information.

Would you know what to do if your professor asked you to:

  • Find a scholarly article on a topic for a research paper or project?
    • How will you know if an article is “scholarly?”
    • What if it had to be a “peer reviewed” article?
  • Use high quality and appropriate sources

The Literature of Science

At the end of this session, you will be familiar the things that we look for in science literature to determine whether or not:

  • The authors have expertise relevant to the topic
  • The information that they are presenting is accurate
  • There is an agenda driving the presentation of the information

Credible: offering reasonable grounds for being believed (Merriam-Webster)